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    MySQL Query : SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM `sylhao`.`cms_haoma` WHERE `status` = '99' AND AND haoma like '%3%3%3%3%' AND kafei >= 100 and kafei <= 200 AND ( floor(mid(right(haoma,2),1,1))=floor(mid(right(haoma,1),1,1)) and floor(mid(right(haoma,6),1,1))= floor(mid(right(haoma,5),1,1)) and floor(mid(right(haoma,4),1,1))<>floor(mid(right(haoma,3),1,1)) ) LIMIT 1
    MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND haoma like '%3%3%3%3%' AND kafei >= 100 and kafei <= 200 AND (\x0D\x0A \x' at line 1
    MySQL Errno : 1064
    Message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND haoma like '%3%3%3%3%' AND kafei >= 100 and kafei <= 200 AND (\x0D\x0A \x' at line 1